What Is Ransomware? How To Prevent Ransomware Attacks!

Ransomware is a deadly malware that enters your system and encrypts all the data, files, and information into an unreadable code, making it inaccessible to the user and the operating system itself. Cybercriminals use ransomware attacks to demand payment from the victims in exchange for providing access to the system and data.

Cyberpunks use an asymmetrical coding process to encrypt the data, lock the operating system, and block the users from accessing any information stored in the device. Once it is done, the victim cannot open his files, access the main dashboard of the system, or perform any task. Hackers set a countdown on the screen with a screen note that demands a ransom to decrypt the data and system access. The note threatens to delete all the data and information if the victim fails to pay the ransom amount within the set time limit. After this, the user will never be able to access their system or the information stored inside it.

prevent ransomware attacks

Types Of Ransomware Attacks

Generally, there are two types of ransomware attacks black hats use to encrypt your data and block access to the files and information. One is called Locker-Malware, and the other one is a Crypto-Malware program.


Locker malware blocks all computer programs and causes them to cease all operations. In this attack, the keyboard and mouse become inoperable, and you are locked out of your system. It is considered a less dangerous virus attack. In this type of attack, all your data remains safe as the malware does not enter the inner system to change the file names and codes. You are just locked out of your system.


Crypto-ransomware is more dangerous and hard-hitting malware. It hijacks all the files and documents using an asymmetrical encryption mechanism. You have access to your files, data, and all the other documents inside the computer, but you cannot open them because your system fails to read and open them. This is because crypto malware hacks all the details and encrypts files using complex coding that only attackers can decipher or decrypt. SMBs (Small businesses) and local users are the most vulnerable entities affected by this type of ransomware cyberattack.
SMBs do not use proper security software to defend their computers or digital devices from malware attacks, and cybercriminals know this fact very well. SMB owners and domestic users think that many more companies and PC users live out there richer than them. With small capital and business assets, they are not the targets of black hats. Hackers exploit this carelessness and easily target insecure and out-on-a-limb devices and networks. They inject the crypto virus inside unprotected devices and, after that, ask to pay the ransom from victims to access the computer system and underlying information.

How To Prevent Ransomware Attacks?

To deal with ransomware attacks, you must keep yourself well-prepared using safety strategies and equipping your devices with robust antivirus software. If you are worried, then stop all your worries. Here are some of the best tips to prevent ransomware attacks and secure your valuable data. Utilizing them you can peacefully browse the device and effectively secure your device access. So, let’s start with them one by one:

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Use Antivirus Software

The first thing you do to protect your networks and computer from ransomware attacks is to use cutting-edge antivirus software. It will protect you from online viruses, malware, and ransomware lurking around the corner. Antivirus software constantly scans the device for malicious programs, monitors network traffic, and processes the data to identify and stop harmful programs running any operation on your device. It comes with an in-built firewall that analyzes all the network traffic to detect suspicious activities inside the operating system and block malicious programs. It will keep your computer free of all types of malicious threats and help you browse the internet peacefully. Hence, use 360 Antivirus Pro software to fend off ransomware attacks efficiently and keep your system clean of all the malicious threats.
Backup Data

Take Backups

You should take routine backups of all the information, and files in your system. This is a proven and most effective method to deal with malware attacks. Securing your information offline or out of the band effectively prevents bad actors from accessing your information and locating the data sources. If by chance you bear any ransomware attack on your system your precious data will remain safe and out of the reach of black hats. Hence, always take backups and make sure they are not corrupted or infected with any virus in the process. You can utilize this backup to restore the data and minimize the effect of malware attacks.

remote access

Remote Access Security

Remote access technology such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and SMB allows users to connect remotely to another computer or server over a network connection. Using this, employees can use systems remotely. However, remote networks can be easy targets for the biggest ransomware attacks. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in the RDP mechanism and server message protocols to infiltrate ransomware in the connected systems. Therefore, if you use these gateways, then do not leave them open or accessible to everyone. When you leave them unreasonably open, hackers install a virus in your network and hijack all the information. Therefore, you should take extra caution to enhance the protection of your digital devices. All you have to do is to:

Enforce Cybersecurity Training Drills

Last but not least, prepare your employees with effective cybersecurity training drills. Teach them how to handle critical situations and respond to cyberattacks to minimize their effect and secure all the endpoints. These drills include hitting the pain points as the first priority to find the error and minimize the effects of the cyberattacks. It is like a first aid kit that helps employees control the situation at the very outset and minimize the effect of deadly ransomware attacks.
Checking emails for phishing attempts, examining VPN when logging into an organization’s network from public wifi, incident response plan, etc. are some of the most important exercises for minimizing the cyberattacks used for ransomware. These tips should be included in the cybersecurity training drills. These drills will play an important role in extra covering in protecting your precious data from malware.


The tips mentioned in this write-up can save you from deadly malware and ransomware attacks. But these tips will not be enough. Along with this, you have to use a robust antivirus software or security suite to deal with the deadly viruses on your system. You never know how far behind you are from becoming a target. Maybe some type of virus has already sneaked into your system and has started working there. It must be smuggling your passwords or business information to other networks and already you would have lost some of your data to cybercriminals. But you still have time. You can nip the evil in the bud before it causes a bigger loss to you. All you have to do is take some precautions while using the internet along with downloading anti-ransomware software in your system. It will trace malware, check their activities, isolate them, and remove them. This is the best way to prevent ransomware attacks efficiently.
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