What Is An IP Address? How Does it Work?

An IP Address is a unique identification code for devices that are connected to the internet networks. The full form of IP Address is “Internet Protocol.” These protocols are a set of rules and regulations that govern data traffic and the format of information transferred between different devices. An IP address is assigned to every device that uses internet services. Whether it is a laptop, computer, mobile phone, router, or any other digital device that uses an internet connection, it has an Internet Protocol identifying code. Without locating this unique identification code, no device will be able to deliver emails, communicate with each other, or find each other on the Internet. It plays a key role in routing data packets between servers, networks, and devices.

IP Address
When you search a website using your browser and click open it to access the information, your device sends its IP address to the server first. After this, the server sends the data back to your Device’s IP Address. It contains information location and directs the data packets to the right address. This receiving of data from the server enables you to view the website on your device. Hence, it is the core element that enables devices to communicate with each other and share information. This and more, we will shed light on all the important aspects of “Internet Protocol” addresses to enlighten you about this topic at a deeper level.

What Does an IP Address Look Like?

Internet Protocol codes come in two versions, namely IPv4 and IPv6. It is structured in a string number form, separated into four different sets by the periods. Each set ranges from 0 to 255. So, the full IP Addresses can be to This range of numbers captures all possible combinations. These number strings can be different for different devices. Each number is produced mathematically and connected to a device that is further connected to the Internet. Understanding these structures is important to configure specific network settings for professionals. It helps them troubleshoot the issues and connectivity problems digital devices face. Resolving these issues is highly essential to enable a seamless transmission of information and communications.

How Does an IP Address Work?

It operates as a standardized language for devices to communicate and share information. All devices use this protocol to interact with each other, find each other, and share the required data on different networks. Here are some simple steps that explain how your IP Address Works.

Indirect Connection: In the first stage, devices connect to the Internet indirectly using a network. This internet service provider provides this network. It plays a central role in providing access to the net.

Assignment of IP Addresses: ISP assigns a unique identifier to each device, which is called an IP number.

Routing Internet Activity: When the user starts internet activity such as email sending, browsing a website, etc., it is generated on the user’s device. This data packet then passes through the ISP. An Internet Service Provider works like a portal between the device and the Internet. ISP examines the address coded in the data packet. It then determines the most efficient way to route this packet to send it to its intended location.

Interconnects with other networks: When an ISP routes a data packet using its network infrastructure, it interconnects with other ISPs. This connection acts like a backbone that facilitates data transmissions between different networks.

Delivery to Destination: When a data packet reaches its destination, the recipient server processes this packet and responds according to the situation.

Return Path to Device: A similar process is followed by the destination server when it routes back any data packet to the user’s device. It follows the reverse path in which data packets are generated by the destination server and pass through the ISP and other network infrastructure. IP address confirms the location, and all the information is delivered to its destination.

What Are the Different Types of IP Addresses?

There are different types of IP addresses. Their different types are decided by the type of work, environment, and the specific purposes they are used for. So, let’s take up each type of Internet Protocol one by one:
Types of IP Addresses

IPv4 Addresses

These are some of the most common types of unique identification numbers for a digital device. It consists of 32-bit numerical values and is represented in decimal format. This format has four sets of numbers that are divided by the perilous. For instance, However, due to the increase in the number of internet-connected devices, IPv4 is not able to supply these addresses to the increased number of devices. IPv6 has taken its place now.

IPv6 Addresses

Protocol version 6 was created to fulfill the rising demand for unique addresses for new devices when version 4 failed to supply the required numbers. IPv6 is 128 bits in length and represented in hexadecimal format. This format is separated by colons. For example, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:2a2e:0360:7225. The use of this protocol is on the rise as new devices are on the rise over time.

Public IP Addresses

These protocols are global unique addresses that are assigned to the devices. They are used to streamline communication between computers on different networks on the web. ISPs offer these unique numbers to serve the purpose of accessing online sources, hosting servers, and web-facing activities.

Private IP Addresses

Private Internet protocols are designed to work in restricted environments. These are most commonly used in businesses, homes, and organizations. These are non routable networks that are used for internal communication within the same network.

Static IP Addresses

It is a fixed and permanent identification number of a digital device or network. It remains constant and does not change with the passage of time. This feature allows consistent access to services and resources. This protocol is specifically designed for hosting websites, email servers, and distantly located applications.

Dynamic IP Addresses

It is a temporary address that is assigned to digital devices by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). It keeps changing over time when devices connect or disconnect to a network. ISPs use this type of protocol to manage the allocation of addresses.

How to Know Your IP Address?

If you want to know your device’s unique identification number, you just need to go to Google and write “What is my IP address?” in the search bar. It will show you the answer on the very first part of the page. If you are using any other website, they can also show you the same info. If you use IPLocation, then it can go further and show your city and Internet Service Provider.

How can Blackhat Exploit IP Addresses?

If malicious hackers know your device’s IP Address, they can use it to carry out harmful activities. They can use it to find vulnerable systems, open ports, and outdated software. After this, they can interfere with your system, tampering with its settings to access the accounts and extract information from them.

Cyberattacks And Extract Money

Cybercriminals often direct massive amounts of data traffic to a specific device to overwhelm its servers. Once the system fails to take this small amount of traffic, it becomes unavailable to its real users. In this situation, users become victims. Cybercriminals use this tactic to distract the users to launch more powerful cyberattacks and extract money from user accounts.

Launch Phishing Attacks

In most complex situations, black hats spoof Internet Protocols to hide their identity. They launch phishing attacks on the victim using this technique. In this type of attack, they send emails from seemingly innocuous addresses. It tricks the users into revealing confidential data and downloading malicious software on their PCs.

Track Online Activities

Blackhats also uses your device address to intercept communication, track your online searches, and redirect your online activities to their own computers. Using this trick, cyberpunks can use this information to eavesdrop on sensitive data, access your private account, and trace all your online activities. There are a variety of potential risks a user can face if his IP address is stolen by cybercriminals.

How to Protect and Hide My IP Address?

There are various methods you can use to Protect and Hide your Internet Protocol Address. All these methods provide you the ability to hide your device’s unique identification number when you are connected to the Internet. In this situation, you are encouraged to use a proxy server and a virtual private network service.

IP address protection

Proxy Server

A proxy server hides your IP Address and enhances online privacy that mitigates the risk of online stalking. It forbids black hats from tracking your system location and introducing malware into it. A proxy server represents your device to the website or online platform instead of your actual IP Address. In this situation, your online traffic is routed through an intermediary server before connecting to the final destination. It helps to hide your identity and the locations from the platforms you are visiting.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A Virtual Private Network encrypts your device connection, hides your IP Address, and creates a private channel to route your data traffic. No third party, government agencies, or ISPs can trace this channel. It overrides all the underlying servers and creates a secure tunnel to move the traffic in and out of your PC, keeping it secure from cyber attacks. Hence, using a VPN is another best thing you can do to keep your IP address secure from active vultures.