What Are Different Types Of Digital Footprints?

1. Active footprints
2. Passive Footprints
3. Private Footprint
4. Commercial Footprints
Who Traces Your Digital Footprints?
Why is Digital Footprint So Important?
What Are Some Examples Of Digital Footprints?
Browsing History
It is the record of browsing history that comes into existence during your online searches and website visits.
Online Purchase
These are commercial activities that include purchases, sales, banking transactions, and online shopping on different e-commerce sites. These traces are recorded and maintained constantly in your browser and third-party apps for the purpose of analyzing consumer behavior.
Social Media Activity
Virtual Communication
It covers emails, voice calls, video calls, online meetings, sharing documents, attachments, and other types of metadata that you send and receive to and from third-party platforms. These online traces are used for various purposes such as performance tracking, compliance, and security and facilitate collaboration and sharing of knowledge.
Location Data
This is related to the location history, check-ins and outs, GPS coordinates, and moving from one place to another. It is recorded by your device and apps for the purpose of geotagging, logistics tracking, emergency services, urban planning, and disaster management.
Internet of Things
Online Forms and Registrations
This includes activating data that you provide to different accounts to do the registration, filling out forms, and allowing permissions. This information is used to provide you with services and allow you to utilize certain services hassle-free.
Cookies and Tracking Data
These are data packets that sites and online platforms send to the users directly in their devices to track and learn more deeply about user preferences and activities.
App Usage
How To Protect Your Digital Footprint?