Our Terms of Use

Your Privacy

Our terms of use consist of a legally binding agreement between you and 360 Antivirus Pro (“company,” “website,” “We,” or “Us”) regulating your access to our website (www.360antiviruspro.com ) and using our products & services. By accessing or browsing our website, you acknowledge and agree to observe the terms & conditions and privacy policy (www.360antiviruspro.com/privacy-policy) we have laid down. We advise you to take a moment to read these conditions and privacy policies as they explain and outline the rights and responsibilities you have when using our platform. If you continue using, browsing, accessing, or visiting our website and products, we will infer that you have already complied with our terms of use and privacy policy without any objections. If you do not accept or agree with these conditions and protection policies, then we advise you to stay away from accessing, visiting, browsing, and using our platform or its products and services. 360 Antivirus Pro reserves all the rights to change, modify or revise its policies, website content, and product specifications at any time without your notice. We do this to improve our services, product performance and enhance user experience. The sole purpose of this consensus is to protect digital life and ensure a safe and secure environment for all users.

Your privacy is our priority, and to make it a practicality, we go for every course of action to keep your personal details well protected. We have given complete details and methods about how we collect, share, and process your personal details on our privacy policy page (www.360antiviruspro.com/privacy-policy). Hence if you have any doubt regarding your privacy matters, then you can visit there and read it. You will get all the answers to your queries and concerns at a much deeper level.

Ongoing Agreement

It is to notify you that we will make changes to our conditions and policies from time to time. We will inform you about the new changes by availing the modified versions on this webpage, mentioning the date at the top of this page to help you know when the last changes were made. It will be better for you to keep visiting the terms of service page at constant intervals as the new rules could be binding on you. As a user, you will be agreeing to the modified or updated conditions if you continue to use, access, browse or visit our website, its services, and products. As a result, you will be bound to the new conditions and agree to comply with them. Also, notice that the new statements will not override the mandatory legal security provided by applicable laws. So to the extent that fundamental laws allow, you have to conform to the new modifications once they are posted on the website. Consequently, your continued usage of the platform infers the ongoing agreement of the terms and conditions.

Rights to Content

Our website content is protected by copyright and trademark laws. While you are granted limited permission to access and display the website’s pages for specific purposes, any other uses are strictly prohibited unless explicitly permitted by 360 Antivirus Pro. We believe that respecting intellectual property rights is important, and complying with these conditions ensures that you are using the elements in a manner that is compatible with legal and contractual policies.
Here is the explanation of the intellectual property rights and permitted utilization of the content found on the webpage operated by 360 antivirus pro:

Copyright and Trademark Protection

The pages and content on this forum are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws. This means that the subject matter, such as text, graphics, images, logos, and other elements, is owned by 360 Antivirus Pro and is legally protected against unauthorized use.

Preservation of Copyright Information, Trademarks, and Logos

All copyright notices, trademarks, and logos present on the online pages must be kept intact. This ensures that proper attribution and recognition are in play regarding this platform’s intellectual property.

Limited Permission for Access and Display

We grant you restricted and non-exclusive permission to access and display the pages on 360 Antivirus Pro under certain circumstances. These circumstances include being a current or potential customer, vendor, or business partner with us or engaging in non-commercial research tasks.

Prohibited Uses

All other uses of the forum beyond the limited permissions mentioned above are strictly prohibited. This means that any unauthorized copying, distribution, modification, or public display of the content is not allowed without clear permission from us.
We have mentioned in the previous paragraph the usage and access of the 360 Antivirus Pro and its content. It is a legal obligation upon you that you will not use, copy, or compose any of the material uploaded or displayed on this web page on other web pages, platforms, or media. All the services, products, softwares, or any other substance available to the users on this platform for downloading, using, and accessing with their relevant policies and regulations will be managed and governed by the same terms and conditions.
If you fail to conform to the rules and regulations, we will terminate any of your rights granted to you without any notice. Also, if you have any material in your possession from our forum, delete and destroy them instantly. You are not allowed and will not use any of the material or copyrighted content without our written and approved permission. If you want to use the stuff of this forum for any purpose, you can ask for exclusive permission by contacting 360 Antivirus Pro.


The trademarks protect 360 antivirus pro and its affiliates. No one is allowed to use these monograms without having expressed permission. Additionally, our forum displays other hallmarks owned by third parties, and their utilization should be under their respective owners’ guidelines.


360 Antivirus and its affiliates own the hallmarks and any related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans. These trademarks are valuable assets that differentiate our products and services from those of others.

Prohibition of Unauthorized Use

You are strictly prohibited from using any of the mentioned trademarks without obtaining prior written permission from our forum. It means you cannot use these hallmarks in any manner that suggests an affiliation, endorsement, or association with 360 Antivirus Pro without our explicit consent.

User Generated Content

Our website offers features like blogs, bulletin boards, forums, and advice columns which are collectively called community services. These services allow users to create and share content such as comments, suggestions, messages and much more with other users or visitors of the website.

Grant of Rights

When you contribute any stuff to these community dervices on the website, you grant 360 antivirus pro, its affiliates, and its service providers certain liberties. These liberties include the ability to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute, and share the material with third parties. In other words, you’re allowing us and related parties to use the elements you contribute in various ways, both within the website’s platform and potentially outside of it.

Responsibility for User Contributions

You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for the content you create and share through our platform`s Community Services. You are accountable for what you post, and you need to ensure that your content adheres to standards which do not cause any damage or harm to anyone involved in the business and its partners.

Content Standards

We have specific content standards that you must follow if you use the community services. These standards involve guidelines or rules that dictate what type of material is acceptable and what is not.

Prohibited Activities

Posting offensive or inappropriate stuff, engaging in harassment, violating copyrights, spreading false information, or engaging in any activity that could harm the website’s reputation or users’ experience is completely prohibited in every circumstance.
  • Violating the legal rights of another party, encroaching another’s intellectual property rights through the posting or uploading and further including, by way of example, and not as limitation, copyright or trademark laws or any other proprietary privileges unless you own or control the thereto or have received all necessary consent to do the same are prohibited in every circumstances.
  • Violating another party’s legal rights, violating intellectual property rights (like copyrights or trademarks), and engaging in any similar activities unless you have the proper permissions or consent to do so are forbidden in all circumstances.
  • You’re not allowed to forge email headers or manipulate identifiers to hide the true source of information transmitted through the user generated content.
  • You can’t create mailing lists for commercial, political, or charitable purposes, or to send out spam, junk mail, chain letters, or inappropriate elements using this platform.
  • You are not allowed to post direct links to executable files (files that end with .exe) unless they come from a domain associated with this forum.
  • Changing or removing copyright management info, such as attributions, notices, or labels, from files you upload is not allowed.
  • It’s prohibited to harvest or collect details about others, including email addresses, or engage in “phishing” to obtain personal details from others without their consent.
  • You cannot use, download, copy, or provide to others any info of users or user-related details from the web portal, whether for a fee or free.
  • Uploading files that contain harmful software like viruses, worms, or other damaging programs that could harm other users’ computers or property is prohibited.
  • Involving in inappropriate activities and engaging in hate speech, harassment, threats or any other inappropriate conduct violating the public code of conduct is completely prohibited in all circumstances.
  • You’re not permitted to restrict or obstruct other users from using and enjoying the user generated content services on this platform.
  • Creating multiple accounts or using false identities with the intention of entrap or deceiving others is not allowed.
  • You must not break any relevant laws or regulations while using the forum.
360 Antivirus pro reserves all the rights to review, process and monitor all the information contributed by the users at the website. It can remove, edit, refuse, or change all the info with the discretion to keep all the things in order. Keeping this information in view you are agreeing to the exclusive terms and conditions of our platform. Most importantly we are not responsible for any user who goes against the prescribed rules and shares offensive and inappropriate details on the website.

Copyright Response

360 Antivirus Pro adheres to a copyright response policy in which it responds to the so-called copyright violation that acts under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Keeping this law in view, if someone thinks that any material accessible or available at our website violates copyright, he/she can request to remove the material from our platform simply contacting our DPO having a notice issued from DMCA.

Disowning of Errors

360 antivirus pro will post content from time to time on the web pages. It may be possible that the material could contain some technical errors or inaccuracies due to various technical faults. We disown the fallacies and inaccuracies and advises users to only refer to the latest updates to avoid any error or risk. Make sure to visit and get to know the most latest and up to date info relating to services, products or other matters mentioned on the platform. If you are not able to keep pace with the latest updates and upgrades on the web pages you will be responsible for your actions regardless of any conditions.

Private Details and Confidentiality

Antivirus 360 Pro does not wish to receive confidential or proprietary info from users through its website, except for credit card details used for purchasing products or services. Any information or material you send to Antivirus 360 Pro, other than credit card details, will be considered as not private. In other words, they do not guarantee the confidentiality of information or materials you send. By sharing details or information, you grant an unrestricted and irrevocable permission. This license allows them to copy, reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, publicly display, perform, modify, and create derivative works from the provided materials or information. You also agree that any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques you share can be used freely for useful purposes.

Third Party Approaches

360 Antivirus Pro cautions users about the risks associated with third-party websites and emphasizes that these links are not under our control. Users are encouraged to be cautious, review privacy terms, and protect their devices and information when visiting such links.
  • The website may include links to third-party websites that are not controlled by us.
  • The forum does not have control over these third-party websites and does not make any representations about them.
  • When you visit an external website linked to this forum, you do so at your own risk.
  • The agency is not responsible for the reliability of data, opinions, advice, or statements on third-party links.
  • We provide these links as a convenience, but this doesn’t mean we endorse or are responsible for the content of those web pages.
  • If you navigate to external links, their privacy terms will apply, not ours. Make sure to review those terms.
  • Our platform is not involved in or responsible for any transactions you have with third parties through their links.
  • Even if a third-party website displays a 360 Antivirus Pro logo, it is independent from us and we do not control its content.
  • We advise users to take precautions against viruses, worms, and other harmful programs when accessing external links and to safeguard their information.

Availability of Products

You might come across some of our products, services or upgrades that are not yet available in your location, and their mention at the website does not necessarily infer that they will become available at your location, region or country in the future. Just because some references or cross-references are given on the web pages it is not an indication from our platform that it intends to launch or provide these products, services, or programs in your specific country or region. There might be some delays due to technical errors or other issues in this context.

Export Laws In context Of Product Usage

The antivirus software that you download from this website is subject to export laws and regulations. So it is strictly prohibited to export or resale the downloaded software in violations of laws and regulations governing exportation. If you are downloading, buying or using our product, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood our terms of use. Moreover, you are agreeing to comply with all relevant export laws and regulations.

Disowning of Warranties & User Responsibilities

We do not offer any warranties about forum`s performance and visitors need to be aware of all the potential risks involved with employing or downloading materials from the site. So it is explained in clear and straight words that:
  • All materials, information, products, software, programs, and services are displayed and offered in the original form without any warranties or guarantees. If you are using the platform, you do so at your own risk.
  • We explicitly disclaims all types of warranties, including express, implied, legal, and other warranties. This includes warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-violation of proprietary and intellectual property rights.
  • 360 Antivirus Pro does not guarantee that the web portal will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. It takes no responsibility for errors or omissions in referenced or linked information, software, or documents on the site.
  • If you download or obtain materials, information, products, software, programs, or services from our web portal, you’re doing so at your own discretion and risk. You’ll be solely responsible for any resulting damages, including data loss or damage to your computer system.
  • The exclusion of warranties might not apply to you if your jurisdiction’s laws do not allow it.

Accountability Boundaries

It is to clarify that 360 antivirus pro is not accountable for different types of damages that could arise from using the website, accessing linked resources or employing the content, information, services, products or other elements from the web pages.
  • We will not be held liable to any party for various types of damages arising from or related to the website’s use or any linked sites or resources to the extent of law permissions.
  • These damages include direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, such as lost profits, business interruption, lost savings, or loss of data.

Resolution Of Disputes And Mandatory Arbitration

Our forum encourages the informal and efficient resolution of disagreements. You can seek resolution by contacting our Support Services https://360antiviruspro.com/support. If there’s a dispute between you and 360 Antivirus Pro you have the option of resolving it through mandatory arbitration. Both parties agree to have a neutral third party (an arbitrator) review the dispute and make a decision, rather than going to court. We prefer to resolve disagreements informally and mention the option of mandatory arbitration as an alternative to going to court.

In Conclusion

Terms of use outline vital terms and conditions related to the use of 360 antivirus pro web portal. These terms cover various aspects such as user contributions, prohibited activities, third-party links, product availability, software usage, warranties, limitations of liability, and dispute resolution. This whole write-up informs users about the responsibilities they hold while interacting with the online platform, the potential risks, and the guidelines they must follow. The statements highlight the importance of reading and understanding these terms, as they outline the legal framework under which users engage with our services. It’s crucial for users to be aware of their rights and obligations to ensure a safe, respectful, and lawful online experience.