Impacts of Technology on Human Health

Modern technology is a boon for humanity in a lot of ways. It has revolutionary effects on human thought, lifestyle, and values. It opened new dimensions and opportunities in every walk of life. Even an average person has access to far more valuable facilities than a king used to have just two centuries ago due to new technology. As a result, modern men possess immense online sources, communication channels, and online business facilities for buying and selling products and services. Everyone is connected and well-equipped with modern tools and technology that enable them to work seamlessly. These hectic activities have generated unprecedented wealth and progress in every direction. But this is only one side of the story. The other side is full of decadence, disorders, and degradation.

Bad Impacts of Technology
Where technology has introduced an era of progress and revolutions, it has also left a debilitating impact on human health. It has exhausted people both physically and mentally. New health complications are on the rise every passing day, and people are becoming alienated from the real world. The reason behind these complications is the relentless and hectic use of technology. It has cut men’s physical and mental connection to nature and the biological world. He is losing himself in the virtual world, becoming more isolated and disconnected from his surroundings. These habits collectively take a toll on mankind’s health and quality lifestyle. The negative impacts of technology on human health are a serious issue that requires complete attention. So, without delay, let’s hit the ground running!
bad effects of technology

Sedentary And Lethargic Lifestyle

Digital devices such as laptops, phones, computers, tabs, and video games are some of the prime examples of modern technology. These gadgets are easily available to everyone. These devices use internet connections around the clock. Children and adults have become immersed in these devices and spend a long time on the internet, online gaming, and social media interactions.
Due to this, people are running out of time to eat, sleep, go out, interact with people, and be involved in physical activities, such as sports, or exercises. Most of the time, they are glued to digital devices, browsing the internet, scrolling reels on social media, or watching OTT platforms. As a result of this, their life has become sedentary and lethargic.

Mental and Physical Decadence

A sedentary lifestyle has exposed people to deadly diseases like cancer, heart disease, skeletal deformities, and mental disorders. It has disrupted the golden balance of a sound mind, a fit body, and a healthy heart in a person, which is necessary to live a cheerful life. As a result of this, they have become mentally disturbed, physically fragile, and faint hearts. The immunity levels are at an all-time low, and stress levels are at an all-time high. Modern men are failing to confront the harsh reality of this world and take responsibility for their own lives. Whether it is children, teenagers, or adults, technology has taken everyone from mild to intense levels.
Children overusing digital devices in their childhood fail to develop mentally and physically to survive natural conditions and real-life crises. They inherit a bad posture and stunted skeletal structure from their technology-ridden childhood. All the more they do not develop social skills making social interactions difficult for them. They become recluses, introverts, and skeptics doubting everything without trying anything in a real-life. All these effects kill their survival instincts and estrange them from the real world.
In the same way, adults who are surrounded by digital devices and technology are likely to have stressful and mentally anxious lives. When this condition lasts longer, it gives rise to more intricate health issues and erratic mental diseases. These factors badly affect their social life and professional growth. By the time they realize their mistakes, the situation becomes out of control and breeds a cycle of comorbidity and interconnected disorders. Most adults succumb to this ever-expanding circle of mental and physical comorbidity.

Eyesight Disorders

Long exposure to computer and mobile screens is a primary cause of eye strain and depleted eyesight. People who sit for a long time in front of digital screens are developing a rare disorder called computer vision syndrome. Dry eyes, redness around the eyes, and blurred vision with shoulder and neck pain are the main symptoms of this syndrome. Digital eye strain has become common in adults and children these days. Children have to use power glasses to assist with their vision at a very young age. By the time they reach adulthood, they are on the edge of becoming partially blind. Those who are suffering from this syndrome also develop sleep disorders. One disease gives rise to the other, and the situation gets worse along the way.
Parents are worried about their little ones as they are interacting more and more with digital screens, developing new eyesight disorders every passing day. Parents have to limit their children’s screen time to save them from potential eyesight and sleep disorders.

Sleep Disorders

Individuals use digital screens for a long time, especially when they are in bed. Their eyes consume blue rays emanating from the digital screens. These rays activate their brains, heighten alertness, and ultimately delay sleep. It disturbs their whole sleep clock, giving birth to narcolepsy, insomnia, and hypersomnia. As a result of this, when they wake up in the morning, they feel extremely tired, stressed, sleepy, and lazy. This condition goes on all day long. When going through this condition, it becomes quite difficult for an individual to concentrate on their work. It badly affects their productivity and overall work efficiency during the day.

Brain Dysfunctionality

If the sleep disorder gets worse, then it starts impacting the brain function of the affected person. Over time, It slows down the thought process of the person who suffers from this disease. Due to this dysfunctionality, the creative power of an individual suffers the most. Victims find it difficult to concentrate and think differently about things they are dealing with. Ideas don’t come easily in their digitally strained minds. They find it difficult to complete even ordinary tasks without errors. It is spreading like a pandemic among the young generation. On the one hand, digital devices are a necessity in our daily lives, but on the other, the overuse of these gadgets is also creating health complications.

Impact on Hearing

According to the World Health Organization, more than one billion people worldwide are at risk of hearing loss. Long-hour exposure to high-volume music and the use of earbuds and headphones are all factors that impact the hearing capabilities of people. Children using headphones during gaming are exposed to high levels of sounds for a long time. It is badly impacting their hearing capacities at a very young age. By the time they reach adulthood, they become deaf and have to resort to hearing aids to listen to the people around them.
Everyone is using earbuds, and headphones to enjoy music, OTT platforms, social media apps, online gaming, and available online means of entertainment. Entertainment is not bad but the only problem with this is that people are doing these activities relentlessly. They binge-watch TV series and listen to music at loud sounds for hours and repeat this activity daily. The result is that they are losing their hearing capabilities much faster.

Neck Strain

Sitting long hours bending necks, working on laptops, and using phones causes neck strain in people. Laptops are small and require the user to come closer to the keypad and concentrate on the screen. Users have to bend their necks and keep their bodies closer to the device. Due to this, they constantly suffer from neck strain. Over time, they develop shoulder pain and cervical and hunched back posture. Bad posture renders them incapable of concentrating on strenuous and physical work. Also, they lose confidence during their social interactions. It discourages them from joining public gatherings and participating in sports activities.
Corporate job culture and long hours of office jobs are the primary reasons that add to the neck strain, as well as the relevant deformities and bad postures of corporate workers. Especially those who are doing target-oriented jobs are the most affected people who go through these conditions. Children gazing at their e-textbooks on laptops, using tabs, and doing homework on the same are developing severe neck strain at their tender age. Their bones become naturally bent, and their upper body posture is hunched at an early age. When they reach adulthood, they have an arch-shaped upper body posture.
It is highly important to limit their online activities and encourage outdoor physical activities in them. Schools have to create a balance between theoretical and physical activities. Their syllabus must have more and more practical and physical work than theoretical and bookish learning. It will help students gain first-hand experience and develop practical skills. Children can sustain first-hand learning experiences for a lifetime rather than bookish learning without damaging or affecting their physical health.

Underrated Physical Development

People glued to digital gadgets, laptops, and tabs will most likely have underrated physical developments. Their upper and lower limbs grow disproportionately. Due to the low physical activity level, such as running and walking, the lower limbs do not develop fully. They find it really difficult to take long walks or participate in any type of sports. Long-hour sitting jobs affect musculoskeletal loss and abnormalities. Muscles do not grow properly, making a person look skinny and weak. Bones are the main parts that support the whole body structure. Long hours of office work and the use of digital gadgets affect the growth of the whole musculoskeletal system.
A sedentary lifestyle affects bone growth badly. Individuals cannot grow a powerful and life-long supportive bone structure. These things become a huddle in the normal functioning of a person that in turn affects the productive capacity. The end result of overusing the technology badly affects the overall posture growth of an individual.


There is no denying the benefits and convenience of technology in our day-to-day lives are huge. We cannot do well without it. Technology is the need of the hour. It has made our laborious tasks easy and enhanced the efficiency of work and learning in different areas. If anyone tries to ignore this fact, he is not going to stand a chance in this competitive edge. But using it mindlessly and without considering its bad effects on one’s health is also not going to work anymore. It can have severe consequences on the physical and mental health of an individual. A person can grow serious illnesses and physical deformities due to the relentless use of technology in his life.

We must strike a balance between physical and digital activities in our lives. One needs to shift his activities towards nature and physical activities. Parents must monitor their child’s online activities and limit their screen time. They need to encourage their children to engage in physical and social activities. It will help them gain optimal physical growth, mental development, and useful social skills. Their bond with nature will become stronger, and they will grow a love for natural beauty. It will help them grow a love for the environment and a sense of duty for its preservation. Hence, we all need to balance our use of technology. We need to be involved in physical activities to preserve our mental and bodily health at the same time.

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