How To Remove A Virus From Your Phone Android

If you are using an Android phone, you are susceptible to getting malware infection. Internet connectivity, emails, phishing, visiting unauthorized websites, and social media apps can store viruses on your phone. Most of the time, we use smartphones for quick internet browsing, watching movies online, downloading movies, videos, songs, information sharing, and connecting with friends online. We use various types of apps, software, and web browsers to do so. But we should pay more attention to the fact that these applications and programs are bundled with malicious codes, worms, and bugs that slip into our Android operating system.

remove phone android

Cybercriminals use different malware to spy on your calls, hijack your data, track your online activities, and steal your social media passwords to do their dirty work. Protecting your Android devices from online threats is mandatory to protect your privacy. We will provide you with a complete guide to phone viruses.

How Do We Remove Phone Virus?

If you think your Android mobile is infected with malicious programs, you can easily remove them using simple methods. They are as follows:
Smartphone reboot

Reboot Your Smartphone in Safe Mode

Prevent the malware from running its operation by rebooting your device safely. Each phone model uses a different method to start the booting process. Generally, you can find this option by pressing the power button. You can look for it in the search bar if it still needs to be added. After seeing this option, you reboot or restart the device in the safe mode. This will send a signal to the operating system that will turn off all the third-party apps and programs along with malware.
fishing app

Identify the Fishy App

This process includes checking all the installed apps to identify suspicious and unfamiliar applications. Most infected applications come from open-source platforms and unauthorized sources. You need to identify such apps and remove them as soon as possible from your device. Keeping such entities on your device can cause huge damage to your devices. So removing them and keeping things clear for you would be best. It is highly recommended that you use only authorized resources to download your apps and software, for example, Google Play Store.
Google Play Protect

Use Google Play Protect

One of the best ways to find and identify malicious apps on your smartphone is to use Google Play to protect the security system. It is a built-in feature designed to scan all the installed apps on your phone. You can activate it and scan all the applications and software to hunt down suspicious apps on your device. If it comes across any malware infection case, it will generate an alert. Using this, you can get rid of the malicious entity at once.
cache files

Clear App Data and Cache

App data and cache are temporary files generated by the Android operating system. These files help your mobile quickly access different files, apps, and website links. It is good when it is applied to the internal programs that we constantly use. But when it applies to the external links and website visits we seldom visit, we need to clear cache data and all the temporary files to free up the space. It will stop malware from using these unoccupied spaces to multiply and move to the other parts of the system.
mobile antivirus

Install Antivirus App

You can install Antivirus to protect your smartphone from virus infection, malware attacks, and spyware comprehensively. It is a compatible Android operating security software that monitors your device 24/7 to deal with and remove all types of malware on your device. Just run a full scan, and it will automatically detect and remove all the malicious programs from your phone. Its user-friendly interface is highly compatible with different Android devices. It is lightweight and runs in the background without causing any interruption to the main processes or overburdening your device’s operating system.

mobile update

Update Your Software:

Ensure you update all the software as soon as new downloads are available. The new version upgrades your apps with new features and added protection. It covers security patches for known loose ends viruses can exploit to infect your system. As a result, malware cannot hijack or tamper with these new versions to modify your system or encrypt data easily. So keep your system programs up to date to play it safe.

How To Check If Your Phone Has Virus In It?

Suppose you are concerned about your phone with some virus and do not know how to check it. Don’t worry! Here are some simple observations that you can use to confirm virus presence on your mobile:
mobile performance

Observe The Performance

If your smartphone takes too long to open apps and files, it indicates a virus infection. Virus infection slows down the performance of your phone. It becomes slow and sluggish to respond. Sometimes, it also becomes frozen or stuck during operations.
Battery Life

Short Battery Life

When you see that your battery cannot supply power for too long, it is a sign of malware presence. Malicious codes constantly run in the background that drains your battery more quickly than usual. As a result, your battery runs down fast. This is a sign of a virus presence in your phone.
Data Dependence

Consuming Too Much Data

Malicious apps and suspicious programs consume too much data to run their processes in the background. You can monitor the data usage of different apps and software going into settings. If you find any app using more than the usual amount of data even when you are not using it, then there is a surety of the presence of worms and bugs.
Behaving Strangely

Behaving Strangely

Viruses manipulate the operating system inside your mobile, making it behave differently. Your apps take too long to load, glitches appear in between, sudden turn-offs, and direct links to unknown links are some of the vital signs of virus infection on your phone. You will see some features working by default without your consent or command. These are doings of malware that you cannot see clearly.
pop up

Pop-Up Messages

You are getting so many pop-up messages from unknown sources without your consent. These pop-ups are the workings of malicious programs that are focused on specific types of promotions and website links. When you click on these links, infected files download on your device. Pop-up messages carry with them adware that promotes specific types of business niches.

Overheating body

When worms and bugs enter your mobile’s operating system, it uses too many resources. Your phone cannot take these things easily because it is not compatible with running malicious operations. This puts a lot of burden on the central programming units. As a result of this, your mobile feels overheated when you take it in your hands.
SMS Sender

Messaging Others

Malware tampered with your Android’s settings and messaging application. It sends random messages to other people without your consent. You will find your friends and people in your saved contact list telling you about receiving messages or emails from your number. It is a strong sign that signifies the presence of infection in your Android device.We are going through the peak of digital ears. Everything is becoming online, and the use of the internet and social media is widespread across the globe. Online black hats use the internet and online techniques to commit the theft of people’s data. When you are connected online, getting infected with online malware is not an uncommon fact. Here is how the virus enters your phone:

Downloading From Unknown Sources

When you download apps, software, movies, and songs from unknown open-source platforms and unauthorized resources, malicious codes, and trojans get stored on your device bundled with the download files.

Email Attachments

You get emails from unknown addresses and people. These emails are bundled with bugs and worms. As soon as you open these emails on your Android device, it becomes infected.
Text Messages

Text Messages

You receive text messages from unknown resources and people. These messages carry with them malicious links and virus attachments. Viruses infiltrate your mobile When you access, read them, or reply.
social media support

Social Media

Social media has become a staple platform for people these days. Almost everyone uses it to share information, communicate with friends, and follow famous personalities. Cyberpunks use these channels to inject your devices with malicious software.
suspicious websites

Browning Suspicious Websites

Suspicious websites are ridden with various types of malicious programs that download to your Android phone when you visit them. These websites include porn sites, torrent sites, gambling websites, and open-source platforms.


External Devices

Your computer also gets infected by external devices like USB drives, public Wi-Fi connections, etc. Sometimes, you mistakenly insert these outside devices in your phone, which brings bugs and spyware.

How To Protect Android Phones From Malware Infection?



The digital world can feel like a minefield, with cybersecurity threats lurking everywhere. One slip and bam. Your data, passwords, sensitive information, and media files all become exposed to the danger. It is like a nightmare no one wants to experience. If you become prey to the cyber attack, all your data and passwords are compromised, and you feel helpless and incapable of using your Android phone.
But the good news is you can easily protect your Android phone against online threats using premium antivirus software. It can protect all your data, personal details, and social media applications from ransomware attacks and data-hijacking malware. Antimalware software detects and prevents deadly viruses from taking over your mobile and keeps your data protected from unseen dangers. Hence, if you want to enjoy peaceful internet browsing without any fear of malware infections, then antivirus software is the best solution. Using this, you don’t just survive in the digital jungle — you thrive confidently.
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