How To Get Rid Of Viruses On Your iPad?

Most people think that iOS is invincible in its internet security features. But the truth is it is not capable of preventing advanced malware, phishing and ransomware attacks when these devices are jailbroken or third-party apps are used on them. Hackers leave no stone unturned to infiltrate viruses into iOS using online channels like WiFi, iMessages, malicious websites and links. Built-in security systems cannot deal with these powerful and sneaky online attacks. Supplying it with additional and advanced antivirus software is the only way to protect Apple devices from malware attacks effectively. If you are experiencing virus infection on your iPad, this blog will offer you best practices and safety measures to protect your devices efficiently.

Rid Viruses On iPad

What Are Potential Signs Of Malware Presence On iPad?

abnormal activities

Abnormal Activities and Quirks

Malware and viruses work silently in the background of the system. They do not make any public announcements that you can take for words and start hitting them. Rather, their presence modifies the overall behavior of the gadget. It starts showing abnormal behavior and generates quirks that are strong hints that there is a virus present in your iPad.
slow system performance

Low Performance

Malicious software takes up lots of resources in an iPad, making it slow down and drag while doing common tasks and activities. It happens because viruses are built on a different coding system, which is not compatible with iOS. When these viruses are doing their work, apple devices cannot take them easily and find them completely hogged with unnecessary processes. Hence, low performance!
Battery Life

Quick Battery Draining

If You are experiencing a rapid drain in the battery life, then this is the working of the malicious programs. Unnecessary processing and round-the-clock working of the viruses in the background use up all the battery life rapidly. Your device is always awake and running in the background, which quickly drains all the battery life without your knowing.


When viruses run in the background, they overload the processing unit with unnecessary activities. These activities are too heavy and taxing on the overall working of the devices. This overworking renders the iPad overheating. If you are experiencing overheating on your devices without any reason, then it is certain that it is infected.

Unknown Icons Appearing On Your Screen

Malware can install new and malicious applications on your device without your knowledge. These applications infiltrate your iOS when you visit a malicious website or connect to public WiFi. Hackers use these channels to tamper with your browser and download software that commits data theft and encryption of important information. It can cause other apps to crash frequently.
pop up

Random Pop-Up Messages

Hackers send pop-up messages to your iPad laden with malicious links and permissions. They appear all of a sudden on your screen without any reason. You get tricked by clicking on these links and downloading malicious infections to your devices inadvertently. These sudden pop-ups are a strong indication that your device has malware in it.

Hike In Data Usage

Viruses and rogue software interfere with the central unit process and use it to automatically share data and take part in blockchain activities without any approved consent. These activities use too much of your internet data. When you see this data usage hike, you must be certain that the device has something to do with the viruses.

What Can Get Malware Entry to an iPad?

iPad devices come with various safety measures that one needs to follow to keep them protected from online threats and cyberattacks. For example, Apple has its own apps and software, which are designed to work with Apple devices. These software vetted security mechanisms that make them compatible with the iPad. However, some people find them inappropriate and incompetent to carry out their online work. Therefore, they go to various other websites and download applications from open-source platforms. These applications bring attached viruses with them. Once in the system, these software start their work and promote online black hat activities.



This is one of the most blamed activities that cause virus infection to Apple devices. Jailbreaking is an act in which people access the root of the Apple operating system to modify it. People manipulate internal settings to enable the device to get and run apps and third-party software other than the Apple store. It creates lots of vulnerabilities and security issues with the device. Hackers use these vulnerabilities to inject malicious software into your iOS and modify all the information and data inside the device.

Unauthorized Applications

When you use unauthorized apps on your iPad, then you are compromising your data and device performance. These apps can be laden with bad programs that interfere with the other applications in the system and modify the data and files. Black hats reach your sensitive information and steal it from there.
Text Messages


iMessages are one of the easiest ways to get viruses on your iPad. Cybercriminals attach tampered links with these messages, and when clicked, they direct them to malicious sites and resources. Users get tricked by clicking these links unintentionally. When clicked, they lead to unknown resources attached to complex software designed to commit security breaches.

How to Remove Malware from Your iPad?

Well, if it is established that your device has a virus presence in it, then you can easily deal with this issue. You need to act immediately and move with some safety precautions. It would help if you did the following things to remove the virus infection from your Apple device.


Restart Your Apple Device

When you see that your device is responding slowly to your command, getting glitches, and freezing between the common tasks, restart it at once. It will shut down all the programs running in the background and cause glitches to your device. Along with the other programs, malware also stopped its activities. So, you can use this method to halt the background activities of the viruses that speed up other activities in the background.

How Do You Restart iPad:

  • Go to the power button located on the top or side of the device.
  • Then Press and hold the power button until you see the “slide to power off” slider pop on the screen.
  • Turn off your iPad, swiping the slider to the right. Wait until the device is shut down.
  • When the shutdown is done, restart your iPad. Press and hold the power button again until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Now, release the button, and your iPad will boot up.


Update Your iOS

Updating your iOS is one of the most important steps that you need to take to upgrade the security system. New updates seal the security patches and vents that cybercriminals exploit to launch their illegal operation. These updates come with upgraded features and security tools that fix small loose points and vulnerabilities. These patches keep all the mediums and channels well-equipped with anti malware solutions that protect your systems from security attacks. Most importantly, it allows you to use the latest and most optimized versions of software and programs.

How To Download New Updates On iPad?

  1. Open the “Settings” app on your iPad.
  2. Scroll down and tap on “General.”
  3. Check for available updates by tapping on “Software Update.”
  4. If an update is available, you’ll see a description of the update, including its size.
  5. Tap “Download and Install” to start the download process.
  6. If asked, enter your device’s passcode to proceed.
  7. Read and agree to the terms and conditions.
  8. Once finished, new updates will download to your device.
  9. Tap install once the download is finished.
  10. If required, follow the on-screen instructions to set up additional features or changes related to the update.

Get Rid Of Malicious Apps And Software

Applications and software downloaded from third-party platforms and resources are some of the most potential mediums that inject malware into your Apple device. Remember to list all such programs and check for their authenticity. If you find anyone coming from suspicious resources which is not secure, then you are advised to delete them at once. Deleting such programs will help you get rid of attached virus programs that are running parallel in your iOS. All you need to do is uninstall these applications and software from your iPad, and it will automatically straighten all the things in it.
Browser defence

Delete The Browser History.

Malware compromises your web browser that may contain illegal websites that you have visited unknowingly. They get complete control over your web browser and use it to infiltrate malicious codes. Sometimes, browsers memorize the names and website links that may cause you to revisit the site and trick you into downloading the same virus all over again. You can intercept these illegal activities by clearing your browsing history from your browser.

How to Clear Browsing History:

  1. Open the Safari browser given on the home screen.
  2. Tap on it to open it.
  3. In the bottom toolbar, tap the open book icon to access the history.
  4. Tap ‘History’ in the bookmark menu to get to history.
  5. Tap ‘Clear’ to clear all the history on the web browser.
  6. Tap ‘confirm’ when the confirmation message appears on the screen.
  7. Tapping the ‘confit’ will clear all the history on the device.
cached cleaning

Delete Cookies and Cache

Cookies and cached data are potential files for malware and viruses to hide themselves. The operating system automatically generates these files at the time of accessing and visiting a website. These files work as a quick access identity code for the devices. These codes enhance the speed of the operations and lessen the time of accessing the resources. But these fields remain unused for most of the time because we seldom revisit all the sites again for information or online activities. These files take up too much space in the device, which slows the overall performance. So deleting cookies and cache is the best thing to enhance the overall performance and remove the malware.

Restore Your iPad to the Previous Backup

Restoring your device to the previous backup when it was untouched by any malware or virus infection is one of the best ways to get rid of malicious programs on your Apple device. But for that, you have to have previously backed up data. If you do not have any backup storage, it would not be a good idea for you. Backing up data from time to time would be a good option for you to deal with cybersecurity threats. You have to enable the iCloud backup option in your tab to take up all the necessary data without any failure. If you are not aware of the process of how to enable iCloud, then here are some simple steps that you can use to enable this feature in your tab:

  1. Connect to WIFI or active internet connection.
  2. Go to the “Settings” application.
  3. Open the Settings menu and select General.
  4. Scroll down and tap on your name at the top of the Settings screen.
  5. Sign in to iCloud.
  6. After signing in, you’ll see a list of iCloud features.
  7. Now go to the Settings app and go to iCloud.
  8. Tap iCloud Backup.
  9. Toggle on iCloud Backup and tap Back Up Now to initiate a manual backup.
app settings

Factory Reset the Settings

When you have gone through all the processes mentioned above and are still not able to resolve the problem, you can reset your machine to the factory settings. It will delete all the programs and virus codes active on your device. This act will terminate all the junk, applications and software running in your system. In this process, you will lose all your important data, contact information, media files, photos and videos. So when you intend to restart your phone, make sure that you have taken a backup of all the important data on iCloud or some other drive.

You can factory reset your iPad following this simple method:

  1. Go to the Settings
  2. Scroll down and tap “General.”
  3. Scroll to the bottom and tap “Reset.”
  4. Choose “Erase All Content and Settings.”
  5. Follow the prompt and confirm the action.
install 360antiviruspro

Download And Install Antivirus Software

If you find the whole process of dealing with viruses and malware attacks exhaustive and mind-numbing, download a robust antivirus solution at once. It will provide you comprehensive protection from online attacks and malicious programs while you are connected to the internet, using social media and communicating online using various types of apps. The real-time protection and malware scanning features efficiently detect, identify and neutralize cybersecurity threats. When you are connected to public WiFi networks or using a peer-to-peer network, you get complete firewall protection. It monitors all the traffic, scans suspicious apps and detects suspicious links in advance to alert you about the lurking danger.

Moreover, if you are using a jailbreak iPad, then you have no need to worry about third-party apps and malicious websites. Antimalware solutions block all illegal entities from accessing your device. Additionally, you get complete protection from iMessages, which are laden with spyware and phishing attacks. It completely safeguards you from online threats and virus infections. Having antimalware software on your iPad keeps your system clean of all the unnecessary files and junk that can invite malicious programs to your devices. So, if you are looking to add extra security to your Apple tab, then get antivirus solutions now.

How To Protect Your Device From Viruses And Malware

Antivirus software may not be enough to keep you safe from cybercriminals. You have to follow all the measures and rules while you are using an Apple device. Combining safety measures with the powerful malware removal tool will ensure complete iPad security. So, what are those safety measures that protect your device from viruses and malware? Here is the list:

Use Authorized Apps

Download applications from authorized and trustworthy resources. In the case of iOS, use only the Apple app store. Avoid open-source platforms or unsecured websites for downloading the applications.

Avoid Jailbreaking

Jailbreaking renders your device vulnerable to malware threats. This act weakens all the built-in security systems that become incompetent in dealing with the unwanted codes and worms attacking online.

Stay Updated

It is highly important to keep your iPad system and program updated all the time. Delayed updates create loose ends and unpatched security vents that online black hats use to infiltrate viruses in the iPad to steal sensitive data and financial details. New updates enhance all the security patches and fortify the system against online attacks.

Safe Internet Connection

Use a safe internet connection to browse the internet and seek online information. Do not use public WiFi and unsecured internet connections. Cybercriminals often hack these networks to launch their online attacks.


Even if you are connected to public WiFi, it would be best to use a robust VPN to connect to the internet services securely. Virtual Private Network creates a safe passage that encrypts your connection and hides it from sneaky in-between interceptors. It keeps your browsing activities hidden from the cybercriminals.