How To Get Rid Of Pop Up Virus On PC

If you receive persistent notifications on your screen from unknown resources you never visited, then your PC is infected with malware. These notifications, also known as Pop-up viruses, are complex types of malicious codes that persistently appear on your device screen without any consent. The pop-ups you are receiving without permission are issued from virus-ridden websites to hijack your operating system, steal your private information, and encrypt your data. When you click on these unknown notifications appearing on your desktop screen, various types of worms and viruses enter your device, which replicate, multiply, and hijack the entire system. Unknown links attached to the messages trick you into downloading malicious programs that disrupt all the functionalities and normal operations inside your device. Most importantly, if you do not deal with this issue in the beginning, you end up compromising all the important data and passwords stored on your PC. So, in this blog, you will get complete guidance about how to deal with pop-up viruses effectively.

Pop Up Virus

How To Stop Pop-Up Viruses From Entering Your PC?

ad blocker

Install Ad Blocker

Business websites use pop-up messages to promote their product and services online. Sometimes, these persistent notifications can become annoying. You despise them for relentlessly interrupting you while you are in the middle of something important. They take you to promotional pages and ask you to access permission to send cookies to your accounts. The good news is you can block these ads using ad blockers or unsubscribing them from the media that is sending them. Sometimes, this promotional content can be adware that infiltrates viruses in your system that help black hats promote their illicit acts. So installing an adblocker is the best idea to get rid of viruses on PCs.
popping links

Never Click Unknown Popping Links

When you see unknown links popping up on your screen, it is advised that you never click on them. These links direct you to malware websites and download malicious programs on your PC. Cybercriminals use these links to infiltrate your PC with various types of viruses, worms, spyware, and ransomware. Once these are in your system, you lose all your important data to cybercriminals.
system update

Update Everything On Your Pc

It is highly recommended to update all your applications, operating systems, software, and browsers to prevent virus-ridden messages from getting to your devices. Delayed updates create vulnerabilities that malware vendors use to infect a computer. New updates seal up vents and security risks that disable adware to exploit the vulnerabilities blocking the viruses from entering your PC efficiently. You can minimize the risks of device infection to a great extent.
malicious sites

Avoid Malicious Sites

Illegal sites like gambling, porn, and torrent websites are ridden with different types of malware that can damage your devices beyond reparations. If you want to get rid of pop-up viruses on your PC, then you are advised never to visit such illegal websites. These online sources generate automatic promoting links that download malware on your computer without your consent. So, it is advisable that you avoid such online platforms to avoid pop-up viruses.

Use VPN on Your Computer

A virtual private network is a smart tool that can enhance your online privacy by establishing a protected network connection. It is your internet traffic and IP address that prevent adware from following your online activities. It filters the content and blocks infected websites from opening on your computer. You can prevent region-specific adware with the help of a VPN on your system.
update browser

Turn off Your Browser

Some adware is so stubborn that you cannot prevent them from appearing on your screen as long as you are connected to the internet. In this situation, you can turn off the bwser and reopen it. This action cuts the associations between the source of adware and your device. It will isolate the fake promotions and scripts from entering your PC and causing further disruption. So try this top to troubleshoot stubborn adware and pop-ups.
deep threat scanning

Deep Scan Your Computer

You can download and install 360 Antivirus Pro to deep scan your PC to track down the hidden malware on your system. Deep scanning your computer using this antivirus software to detect adware or viruses is the most effective way to get rid of pop-up viruses on your PC. In this process, all your apps, web browsers, and operating programs are inspected. This method leaves no chance for an adware to survive and make progress in its malicious activities.

How Does Adware Behave?

Adware is more dangerous than other malicious programs. These are intrusive and disruptive in their ways. They trick a user into downloading malware or malicious programs on their devices, which disables the normal functioning of the operating system, and you lose all your personal data to cybercriminals. Here is how pop-up viruses behave:

  • Unwanted ads start appearing on your screen in various forms, such as banners, intext ads, interstitial ads, and notification messages.
  • These advertisements and promotions are intrusive, disruptive, and interruptive and affect other online activities on your system.
  • Fake promotional advertisements modify your web browser settings without your consent. It includes changing the homepage, toolbars, default search engines, etc.
  • Adware keeps track of your search activities to collect information. You get targeted ads that are relevant to your search behavior.
  • Adware runs multiple processes in the background that consume too many resources on your PC, affecting its performance and slowing down the computer.
  • Adware is frequently stored on your PC when downloading free apps and software from unauthorized sources.
  • When these bundled malware are on your system, you find it difficult to uninstall them. They keep returning to your operating system even after you delete them.


Fake promotions, cookies, and messages are suitable channels for injecting viruses and malware into a device. You must stay alert and use healthy browsing habits when connected to the internet. Most importantly, download and install 360 Antivirus Pro to protect your PC from fake pop-ups and viruses efficiently. It is an intelligent security tool that efficiently detects and eliminates adware, malware, spyware, and viruses coming from malicious websites. Its integrated firewall system scans online network traffic to block malicious ads and promotions from entering your PC. You can navigate through the internet confidently using this amazing cybersecurity software. It comes with a 60-day free trial to help you understand its efficiency in combating malicious programs. You can get a full refund back if you are not satisfied with its performance.

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