What are Hackers?
What are the Different Types of Hackers?

White Hat Hackers

Black Hat Hackers

Grey Hat Hackers
Subcategories of Different Types of Hackers

Red Hat Hackers

Blue Hat hackers

Purple Hat Hackers

Green Hat Hackers


Script Kiddies

Botnet Hackers

Crypto Hackers



Elite Hackers

Gaming Hackers

Malicious Insiders


State-Sponsored Hackers
How To Avoid Getting Hacked?

Avoid Unsafe Online Sites
Create Unique, Complex Passwords
Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links
Use Multifactor Authentication
Do not Connect to Public Wi-Fi Networks
Public Wi-Fi is an easy target for cybercriminals. They can manipulate them and fit them with spyware and ransomware. As soon as a user connects to them, these malware and viruses enter their devices. After that, black hats can get all the information about users’ online activities, important IDs, and passwords. They can lock users’ PCs and demand a ransom in order to decrypt the file. So it becomes a hopeless and vulnerable situation that has harmful effects on the whole business and personal life of a person. Hence, connecting to a public Wi-Fi connection is not safe when doing online activities. If you want to connect to any such service, make sure you connect to a reliable network that comes from the establishment you know well. Otherwise, avoiding it would be the best way to secure your digital doors.