Category: Hardware

Hardware is the physical component of a PC or analog device. These components play a key role in input, output, communication, and data processing. They are divided into internal and external parts. The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and CPU are external hardware, and the Hard drive, motherboards, and RAM are internal hardware. When hardware and software come together, a complete computing system comes into existence. Hardware fails to work properly when the operating system is infected with malicious programs. They fail to work input and process information and, in the worst case, fuse to software malfunctions.

In addition to this, hardware is also liable to be injected with malicious programs. When you connect such infected hardware with a CPU and other parts of the PC, the virus spreads to the programs running on the device. Hence, it is essential to protect your hardware from virus infections to keep your PC healthy and in better working conditions. Our blogs on hardware offer you deeper insight into how you can protect your hardware and prevent virus attacks.