How To Check For Viruses On Windows 10?

Windows 10 is one of the most popular operating systems that people use on their computers, laptops, tabs and various Internet of Things devices. Compatibility with a wide range of software applications, user-friendly interface, and easily accessible features makes it a go-to operating system for people around the world. Whether it is big businesses, small enterprises, education institutes, or governmental organizations, Windows 10 is the 1st choice for running important operations in these institutions.. Keeping all this in view, it is not difficult to understand why this is the number one target for active cyber criminals.

Windows 10 comes with an inbuilt security tool that keeps it safe from cybersecurity attacks, malware, viruses, trojans, worms and a variety of malicious programs. You can easily protect your device using factory-built security software in your operating system. It will scan your network, applications, software and personal data to detect and eliminate viruses efficiently. In this blog, we will tell you how to neutralize and protect your PC from malware.

How To Start Windows 10 Security For Virus Check?

Use built-in security tools to scan your system for malware and other threats. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check for viruses on Windows 10:

In the taskbar, click the Start button

  • Type “Windows Security” and select the Windows Security app from the search results.

Run a Quick Scan

  • In Windows Security, go to the Virus & Threat Protection section.
  • Click on the Quick Scan option. This will quickly scan your computer’s most commonly infected areas.

Run a Full Scan (Optional)

  • If the quick scan doesn’t find any issues or if you suspect a more comprehensive check is needed, you can run a Full scan instead. Click on Scan options and select Full Scan.
  • This will scan your entire system thoroughly but may take longer.

Review and Take Action

  • After the scan is complete, Windows Security will display the results.
  • If any viruses are identified, follow the order to eliminate or neutralize them.
Using this simple method, anyone can check for a virus presence in their device that is using Windows 10 on it.

What Are The Signs Of Virus Infection On Windows 10?

When malware enters your system, it starts multiplying in numbers and spreading to the other parts of the system. In this process, it takes up lots of space, CPU, and Memory and interferes with the central operating system, affecting the PC’s Performance and behavior. Over time, it becomes so strong that you cannot perform basic operations on your device. These signs are direct indications that your system is infected with malicious programs. Here is a complete list of different signs that can help you identify virus presence in your computer.
  1. Taking Too Much Time to Start: Malware corrupts your system files, hard drives, and startup files and slows down your computer at the time of starting or loading a program.
  2. Freezing Application and Unresponsive Programs: Viruses put an extra burden on computer resources and processes that cause applications to freeze or become unresponsive at the time of operations.
  3. Slow Performance: Infected PCs do not run as efficiently as they used to perform when it was new or factory set. Viruses consume resources intensively, which slows down their Performance.
  4. Displaying Error Messages: Malicious infection spread to the system files and settings that trigger it to show error messages on your screen repeatedly
  5. Unrecognizable Vectors on Screen: Worms create shortcuts or vectors on your desktop to interrupt your operation or promote malicious websites.
  6. Sudden Window Closure: Browser hijackers or malicious browser extensions interfere with your browser’s functionality, making it shut down unexpectedly.
  7. Suspicious Links: Malware interferes with your browser’s ability to open links properly. It manipulates settings that lead you to an unknown website infected with the virus.
  8. Automatic Web Pages On Your PC: If you are getting web pages on your PC without your permission or added bookmarks that promote certain websites, then your device is infected.
  9. Frequent Window Pop-Ups: Adware and browser malware trigger unwanted pop-up ads, even when the browser is not running on your window.
  10. Unknown Toolbars: malware adds unwanted toolbars to your browser, altering its appearance and behavior.
  11. Search Engine Changes: Browser hackers modify your browser’s search settings, redirecting searches to unwanted search engines to download malicious files.
  12. Social Media Posts and Email Messages: When your device is infected with a malicious program, it sends social media posts and emails to other accounts without your intention or purpose.

How to Remove Viruses From Windows 10?

install 360antiviruspro

Download and Install Antivirus Software

360 Antivirus Pro is a comprehensive security tool that is capable of providing comprehensive internet security from all the malicious threats lurking online and offline. You can easily download it and install it on your computer to enhance its security seamlessly. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to run and operate on multiple devices hassle-free.

Run A Full System Scan

Once you have downloaded and installed it on your system, you can run a full system scan to search and identify the presence of malicious threats on your devices. It will analyze every part of the device, including files, documents, pictures, videos, URLs, applications and operating programs to check for security threats. It will take some time to complete the whole malware scanning process. If it comes across any malicious code across any program of the computer, it will eliminate it successfully or quarantine the file to a safe place. After conducting the whole process thoroughly, it will neutralize the virus and return the file to the operating system.

Real-Time Protection

360 Antivirus Pro offers real-time protection against cybersecurity threats, monitoring your system and its programs around the clock. It checks your internal and external programs simultaneously, keeps an on-system behavior, pats up loose ends with online traffic control, and relentlessly scans all the apps on your devices. You can browse online, run your operations, complete your tasks and communicate with peers and members across the organization without having any fear of getting infected by worms, infected codes or any other malicious program.

Firewall Integration

Its integrated firewall system is matchless in protecting your peer-to-peer network efficiently. All the incoming and outgoing packets of information, files, documents, links, and emails go through a complete security inspection. If anything suspicious comes across that is a potential threat to your personal data, operating windows or another important part of your device, it will block them outside of your network. Using this amazing cybersecurity tool, you can deal with potential cybersecurity threats efficiently.
enhance performance

Enhance Performance

360 Antivirus Pro is a lightweight antimalware software that uses minimal device resources without interrupting the main functions of the computer. It runs in the background to track down malware and eliminate it in the first stage. If new updates are available to your installed apps and software 360 antivirus pro, help them download original updates and seal the unpatched security vents. All of this streamlines your device to run without any glitches. You enjoy high-performance system quality without using too many resources.


Windows 10 is a powerful operating system that comes with an inbuilt security program to check for viruses and malware across your devices. Still, most of the time, sophisticated malicious codes escape its scanning program. 360 Antivirus Pro can deal with this problem efficiently. Its heuristic analysis and behavior analysis features can easily detect and eliminate hidden malware on Windows 10 efficiently. With this antivirus software on your computer, you can easily check for viruses and neutralize them before they enter your system and wreak any havoc on it.